A Challenge...

Join the entrepreneurial challenge for the youth

The Sammy and Bertha Marks

Enterpreneurship Society's

Youth Competition

Sammy and Bertha Marks, left a rich entrepreneurial legacy to our country. They are icons of our entrepreneurial future.


Do you, as a school learner, aspire to follow in their footsteps?

Do you accept the entrepreneurial challenge to join the Society's Youth Competition?


By participating in this entrepreneurship project and writing an essay on Sammy and/or Bertha Marks as entrepreneurs you can develop your competitive skills and earn yourself a prize or a career opportunity.




We aim to:

  • entrench the true values and terms of reference of entrepreneurship in both the African and Global environments;

  • share entrepreneurial success as a practical experience of passion, excellence and success;

  • create sustainable career-path opportunities.



The African Success and Entrepreneurship Foundation (AFSEF) has established the Society to serve as a common bond to the entrepreneurally minded youth to commit themselves to a successful future.


The Society invests in the youth of the country through an entrepreneurial competition in association with the Sammy Marks Museum and thereby supports leadership development at schools.


Visit the Sammy Marks Museum to experience Sammy's success as entrepreneur and to get more detail about the competition.

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Last modified: October, 2003