WORLD HORNBILL NETWORK Your link to the latest and most |
The IUCN-Birdlife International Hornbill Specialist Group
Background A world Hornbill Specialist Group was started in 1984. It was started in response to a request from IUCN for the establishment of specialist groups that could advise that organization on the conservation of different groups of animals and plants. The bird groups were coordinated at that stage by ICBP, the International Council for Bird Preservation, that later changed its name to Birdlife International. The group Hornbill Specialist Group was developed and chaired initially by Dr Alan Kemp, then Curator of the Department of Birds at the Transvaal Museum of natural history at Pretoria, South Africa. The group has issued a newsletter from its inception, on an approximately annual basis, although this has wavered somewhat more recently. Current Status The Hornbill Specialist Group is now chaired by Dr Wendy Worth [insert clickable email address] (Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx Zoo, 2300 Southern Boulevard, Bronx, New York 10460, USA). The secretary of the group is Dr Christine Sheppard [insert clickable email address], who is Curator of Ornithology at the same address. Major developments under Wendy's and Christine's guidance have been the organisation of a Hornbill CAMP (Conservation and Management Plan) at Singapore in 1991, from which resulted a major document on the conservation and policy surrounding hornbills. This document is being continually expanded and updated and the intention is for general publication of a Hornbill Action Plan. It will include specially commissioned plates of all hornbill species, each of which will also be produced as large posters. The drafts of both the book and posters are impressive. Wendy and Christine attend as many major hornbill meetings as possible, including at Jakarta, Indonesia (1994), Bangkok, Thailand (1996), Malaga, Spain (1997) and Phuket, Thailand (2001). Most recent revision: April 2004 |