Transvaal Museum index South Africa

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Giant Preying Mantis

The preying mantis is a ferocious predator of the insect world. Its front legs are highly modified with sharp spines, used to capture and hold its prey. The action of these legs is so fast that they can catch a fly in flight as it tries to escape. Mantis females either deposit their eggs in a foamy mass which hardens as it is secreted, or in an egg capsule. The mantis is one of the most important animals in folklore, and is one of the most important insect models for artists in South Africa. Insect artists can get inspiration for their designs by looking at museum specimens.

Giant Preying Mantis Ischnomantis fatilogua Order Mantodea

Ischnomantis fatilogua is the longest Preying Mantis in South Africa, and may measure more than 130mm. This species occurs over a fairly wide range and it may be possible to rear it in captivity. Very little is known about its care in captivity or its behaviour. In the same way that vertebrate predators are negatively affected by insecticide, large insect predators may also be decimated. When we use insecticides we should always be aware that we may also be killing useful insects such as predators of insect pests. This would make an interesting insect to study for a school project.

A specimen of Ischnomantis fatilogua in the Transvaal Museum collection.

Preying Mantis Homepage

The Wondrous Praying Mantis!