African Bullfrog - Pyxicephalus adspersus

(Pyxicephalus adspersus) ORDER: SALIENTIA
FAMILY: Ranidae
GENUS: Pyxicephalus


Known affectionately as the “Pyxies” these frogs hardly live up to that name since they have broad, rounded heads and thick bodies. Their skin is roughened with low rounded warts or short ridges. The pupil is horizontal. Toes are webbed. A large, flange-like inner metatarsal tubercle assists in digging. Eggs are laid in the water where tadpoles develop. Although members of this family, often called the “true frogs”, occur throughout the world, the majority of genera and species are found in Africa.


Nigeria to Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania mainland, Mozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Rhodesia, Angola and South Africa excluding the southwestern Cape Province. They are fossorial. Found in open country primarily at low elevations - open grass or bush country.


Fat, bloated, olive-green frog, box-headed and sluggish. Has a series of broken, elongate,

elveated skin, folds which run lengthwise of the body along the dorsum and flanks and three large tooth-like projections at the front of the lower jaw. The dorsum is dark green to olive green, The venter is cream-colored to bright yellow.


Adults reach up to 4½ inches in body length. Males of South Africa may reach 8 inches or more. Adults emerge from hibernation to breed when the rains begin, and may be seen in large numbers around any available water. Eggs are deposited in masses of 3OOO-4OOO in shallow water of ponds, marshes or temporary pools. Each egg is 2 mm. in diameter, surrounded by a sticky capsule 4 mm. in diameter. Eggs hatch the second day and froglets emerge seven weeks later.


They spend many hours sitting quietly, or they may be partially buried in the earth with nose exposed. They are aggressive and will jump at intruders. If disturbed, they inflate their body and attack with gaping jaws.


Frogs, insects, worms, young rodents.


Also known as the groove-crowned bullfrog. Adults will eat their own young. In captivity they can be kept in an aquarium of shallow water with a layer of gravel; water should be changed every few days.

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