Journal/Publisher Editorial Address Preferred topics
Acta Zoologica Editor Zoological Museum University of Copenhagen Universitetsparken 15 DK-2100 Copenhagen DENMARK animal organization, development, structure and function from cellular to phylogenetic and ecological levels
Archives of Natural History Editor: Alwyne Wheeler c/o Department of Library Services Natural History Museum Cromwell . papers on the history of natural history
Associated Publishers U.S.A. Memoirs on Entomology International (for large volumes, no charge to author)
same Contributions on Entomology International (page charge US$15/page)
same Oriental Insects (page charge US$15/page)
Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Entomologie Rue Vautier 29 B-1040 Bruxelles BELGIQUE

manuscripts submitted to the Director, IRScNB

original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Cimbebasia The Editors State Museum PO Box 1203 Windhoek NAMIBIA natural and human sciences, relevant to southwestern Africa
Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Hannelore Hoch Institut fur Systematische Zoologie Museum fur Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu GERMANY original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Entomologia Generalis

Journal of General and Applied Entomology

Editor-in-Chief, Zoologie & Okologie, Ruhr-Universitat, Univ-Str. GERMANY evolutionary, phylogenetic and palaeontological but not alpha taxonomic problems
Entomologica Scandinavica Editorial Office c/o Zoological Museum Universitetsparken DENMARK original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
European Journal of Entomology c/o Institute of Entomology Czech Academy of Sciences Branisovska 31, 370 05 Ceske Budejovice CZECH REPUBLIC original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Fragmenta Entomologica Edito dall'Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" Dipartimento di Biologia Animale e dell'Uomo Viale dell'Universita 32 - 00185 Roma ITALY original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Giornale Italiano di Entomologia Casella Postale 188 26100 Cremona CR ITALY original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Insecta Mundi Editor, c/o Florida U.S.A. original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology Japanese Society of Systematic Entomology c/o Entomological Laboratory College of Agriculture Ehime JAPAN

Executive Editor: Masahiro Sakai

original research articles and notes on all aspects of Entomology
Journal of African Zoology/Revue de Zoologie africaine Musee Royale de Afrique Centrale Tervuren 

via one of several subject editors, consult recent issue

original research articles and notes on all aspects of African Zoology
Journal of Natural History Editor Department of Entomology Natural History Museum Cromwell . classic taxonomic work in entomology and zoology, also experimental taxonomy, ecology and behaviour
Miscellania Zoologica Ajuntament de Barcelona, Regidoria d'Edicions I Publicacions, Museu de Zoologia, Parc de la Ciutadella, Ap. Correus 593, 08003 Barcelona SPAIN original research articles and notes on all aspects of Zoology
The Journal of Zoology Editor, c/o The Zoological Society of London, U.K. original research articles and notes on all aspects of Zoology
Spixiana Zeitschrift fur Zoologie Zoologische Staatssammlung Munchen, Munchhausenstrasse 21 (no new postal code) Munchen 60 GERMANY  original research articles and notes on all aspects of Zoology
Tijdschrift voor Entomologie editors attn. E. J. van Nieukerken/J. von Tol, National Museum of NETHERLANDS original research on insect taxonomy and systematics, particularly on Palaearctic and Indo-Australian regions
Tropical Zoology Editor, Centro di Studio per la Faunistica ed Ecologia Tropicali, ITALY papers in fields of experimental and descriptive zoology concerning tropical areas with particular attention to Africa
Zeitschrift fur zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung Editor: Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. W. Herre Biologiezentrum der Christian-Albrechts-Universitat Am Botanishcen Garten 9 Kiel (no current postal code) GERMANY systematic zoology and evolutionary biology
Zoologica Scripta Executive Editor Department of Zoology University of Goteborg Box 25059 S-400 31 Goteborg SWEDEN original research and review articles from the fields of taxonomy, systematics, phylogeny and biogeography; evolutionary aspects within these topices based on morphology, physiology, ecology, ethology, and palaeontology are also considered.
Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society Editor: Malcolm Scoble Dept. of Entomology, Natural History Museum Cromwell . systematic, comparative and functional studies in zoology
Zoosystema Paris FRANCE Devoted to inventory, analysis and interpretation of animal diversity. It publishes original research of zoological research, particularly in systematics and related fields: comparative, functional and evolutionary morphology, phylogeny, biogeography, taxonomy and nomenclature.