S. Endrödy-Younga - Publications

Dedication to Dr S. Endrody-Younga (PDF file) 

1. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1957. A Borzsony-hegység bogÿrfaunÿja, I. Rhynchophora. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 10: 431-457.

2. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1958. A Borzsony-hegység bogÿrfaunÿja, II Curculionidae. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 11: 45-69.

3. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1958. Einie neue Zuphium-Art aus Ungarn (Coleoptera, Carabidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 50: 179-181.

4. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1958. A Borzsony-hegység bogÿrfaunÿja, III. Malacodermata. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 11: 371-382.

5. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1959. Systematischer Ueberblick über die Familie Clambidae (Coleoptera). Opuscula Entomologica (Lund) 24: 81-116.

6. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1959. A Borzsony-hegység bogÿrfaunÿja, IV. Cerambycidae. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 12: 21-36.

7. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1960. Monographie der Palaearkitschen Arten der Gattung Clambus (Col.Clambidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 6: 257-303.

8. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1960. Neue Angaben zur Klarung des Systems der Familie Clambidae und Beschreibung einer neuen Liodiden-Gattung (Coleoptera). Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 52: 239-245.

9. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1961. Revision der Gattung Calyptomerus Redtb. (Coleoptera, Clambidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 7: 401-412.

10. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1961. Revision der aethiopischen Arten der Gattung Clambus Fischer v.W. (Coleoptera, Clambidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 53: 313-323.

11. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1961. Eine neue-Clambus-Art aus Sudamerika (Coleoptera, Clambidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 53: 325-326.

12. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1962. Neue Cybocephaliden Gattungen aus der aethiopischen Region (Col.Cybocephalidae). Annales historico-naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 54: 271-277.

13. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1962. Die aethiopischen Arten der Gattung Cybocephalus Er. (Col.Cybocephalidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 8: 335-384.

14. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1963. Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera, Clavicornia). Exploration Parc National de la Garamba, Fascicle 41(3): 31-81.

15. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1963. Clambidae (Coleoptera, Staphylinoidea). Exploration Parc National de la Garamba, Fascicle 41(2): 25-30.

16. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1964. Die Cybocephalus-Arten von den Mascarenen und Seychellen (Col.Cybocephalidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 10: 61-84.

17. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1964. Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera, Clavicornia). Exploration de la Parc National de l'Upemba, Fascicle 68(4): 61-64.

18. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1964. Insects of Campbell Island. Coleoptera: Orthoperidae. Pacific Insects Monograph 7: 408-409.

19. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1965. Eine neue mitteleuropaeische Art der Gattung Cybocephalus Er. (Coleoptera, Cybocephalidae). Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 14: 41-43.

20. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1965. Clambiden-Studien (Coleoptera). Annales historico-naturalis Musei Nationalis Hungarici 57: 259-265.

21. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1965. Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera, Clavicornia). Exploration de la Parc National Albert, Fascicle 100: 9-10.

22. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1965. The scientific results of the Hungarian Soil Zoological Expedition to the Brazzaville-Congo. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 18: 213-280.

23. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1967. Palpicornia - Csiboralakuak. Fauna Hungariae, Fascicle 6/10: 1-97.

24. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1967. Coleoptera: Cybocephalidae.  South African Animal Life, Results of the Lund University Expedition in 1950-1951. 13: 38-44.

25. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1967. 5. Familie Cybocephalidae. In: Freude, Harde, Lohse: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas 7: 77-79. 

26. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1968. Monographie der Palaearktischen Arten der Familie Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 14: 27-115.

27. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1968. Neue und weniger bekannte Hydrophiliden aus dem Karpatenbecken (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). Mitteilungen der Münchner Entomologischen Gesellschaft 58: 65-77.

28. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1968. The stem borer Sesamia botanephaga Tams & Bowden (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and the maize crop in central Ashanti, Ghana. Journal of Agricultural Sciences 1: 103-131.

29. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1969. The scientific results of the Hungarian Soil Zoological Expedition to the Brazzaville-Congo.

30. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1969. Cybocephalidae (Coleoptera: Clavicornia). Opuscula Zoologica (Budapest) 9: 259-272.

31. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1969. Neue und weniger bekannte Hydrophiliden aus dem Karpatenbecken (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae). Annales historico-naturalis Musei Nationalis Hungarici 61: 215-224.

32. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1970. Entomological Explorations in Ghana. 1. A diary of entomological collections in Ghana. 1965-1969. Folia Entomologica Hungarica 23: 5-91.

33. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1970. Status of Coelaenomenodera elaeidis in West Africa and its parasites in Ghana, pp. 1-13. In: Simmons, F. J. (Ed.). Possibilities of biological control of oil palm life-miner Hispid in Ghana. Memorandum of Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Curepe, Trinidad.

34. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1971. Neue Ergebnisse bei der Bearbeitung der paläarktischen und orientalischen Cybocephaliden (Coleoptera: Clavicornia). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scienciarum Hungaricae 17: 243-249.

35. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1971. 17. Familie Clambidae. In: Freude, Harde, Lohse: Die Käfer Mitteleuropas 3: 266-270.

36. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1971. Cybocephalidae, Coleoptera. Insects of Micronesia 16: 281-285.

37. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1971. Insects associated with cotton with special reference to their distribution in Ghana. Cotton Development Project, Ghana 29: 1-55.

38. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1972. Report on Project result, Conclusions and recommendations. Ghana Development of Cotton Production FAO, Rome, AGP/DP/GHA/69/529.\, pp.1-30.

39. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1972. Cotton pests and their control in Ghana. F.A.O/U.N.D.P. final report. Rome.

40. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1974. Two new Clambidae species from the collections of the Natural History Museum Geneva, (Coleoptera, Staphylinoidea, Clambidae). Revue Suisse Zoologique Fascicle 2: 541-544.

41. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1974. A revision of the decribed Australian and New Zealand species of the family Clambidae (Coleoptera) with description of a new species. Records of the South Australian Museum 17: 1-10.

42. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1974. Some new Aethiopian species of the family Cybocephalidae (Col.Clavicornia). Annales de la Societe entomologique de France (N.S.) 12: 113-122.

43. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1978. Coleoptera, pp. 799-820. In: Werger, M. A. J.: Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa, W. Junk, The Hague.

44. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1978. A revision of the Oriental Clambidae with references to Papua and Hawaiian species (Coleoptera, Staphylinoidea). Pacific Insects 18: 67-84.

45. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1978. Systematic revision and phylogeny of some Meligethinae genera from the Ethiopian Region (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae). Entomologia Germanica 4: 295-316.

46. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1979. Coleoptera, Cybocephalidae. Fauna of Saudi Arabia 1: 228-231.

47. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1979. Collecting methods and material processing of Arthropoda in the Transvaal Museum. Bulletin of the Transvaal Museum 17: 20-26.

48. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1980. The concept of heteromorph speciation. Consequences of speciation in homomorph and heteromorph populations. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 32: 241-247.

49. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1981. The American species of the family Clambidae (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). Entomologia Generalis 7: 33-67.

50. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1982. Dispersion and translocation of dune-specialist tenebrionids in the Namib area. Cimbebasia (A) 5: 257-271.

51. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1982. Cybocephalidae of Reunion and Mauritius Islands (Coleoptera, Cybocephalidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 33: 259-264.

52. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1982. The Nitidulids of the Mascarene Archipelago with additional references to Madagascan species (Coleoptera, Nitidulidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 33: 265-275.

53. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1982. Evidence of Coleoptera in dating the Namib desert re-examined. In: Coetze and van Zinderen Bakker (Eds.). Palaeontology of Africa, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 15: 217-223.

54. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1982. An annotated checklist of dung-associated beetles of the Savanna Ecosystem Project at Nylsvley. South African National Scientific Programmes, Report  59: 1-34.

55. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1983. Onychophora from mesic grassveld in South Africa (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 33: 347-352.

56. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1984. Efficiency and health hazard tests on Vapona used in Insect collections. Entomologia Generalis 10: 47-51.

57. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1984. A new species of Cybocephalus (Col. Cucujoidea, Cybocephalidae) from Israel. Israel Journal of Entomology 18: 1-2.

58. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1986. New species and new records for the Palaearctic and Oriental fauna of the family Clambidae (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). Revue Suisse Zoologique 93: 89-115.

59. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1986. Boganiidae, a new beetle family for the African fauna (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 34: 253-273.

60. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1986. The Cardiosis evolutionary lineages of the genus Zophosis (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Zophosini). Cimbebasia (A) 7: 209-223.

61. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1985. Coleoptera, pp. 188-263. In: Scholtz, C. H. and E. Holm (Eds). Insects of Southern Africa, Butterworths, Durban.

62. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1987. Back to the woods. Conserva 2: 4-5.

63. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1987. Against pragmatype. Nature 327: 664.

64. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1988. Revision of the genus Anomalipus Latr. (Col. Tenebrionidae, Platynotini). Monographs of the Transvaal Museum No. 6: 1-129.

65. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1988. Evidence for the low-altitude origin of the Cape mountain biome derived from the systematic revision of the genus Colophon Gray (Coleoptera, Lucanidae). Annals of the South African Museum 96: 359-424.

66. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1989. The evolution of alternative life styles in Coleoptera, pp. 317-327. In: Bruton (Ed.). Alternative Life-History Styles of Animals, Kluwer, Dordrecht.

67. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1989. Nosodendridae, a new beetle family for the African continent (Coleoptera, Byrrhoidea). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35: 61-66.

68. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1989. Restructuring of the tribe Cryptochilini (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Tentyriinae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35: 109-145.

69. Endrödy-Younga, S. 7. 1900. A record system for use in a large Coleoptera collection with definite collecting policy. In: Herholdt, E. M. (Ed.). Natural history collections: their management and value. Transvaal Museum, Special Publication, No. 1: 117-122.

70. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1990. New species and new records of Eurasian and New Guinean Clambidae (Col.). Revue Suisse Zoologique 97: 303-316.

71. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1990. Clambidae of New Zealand (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 17: 119-135.

72. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1990. A revision of the Australian Clambidae (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). Invertebrate Taxonomy 4: 247-280.

73. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1989. Biogeography of forest invertebrates. In: Geldenhuys, C. J. (Ed.). Biogeography of the mixed evergreen 
forests in Southern Africa. FRD Occasional Report, No. 45: 30-40.

74. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1991. Boganiidae (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea) associated with cycads in South Africa: two new species and a new synonym. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35: 285-293.

75. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1991. Insectes Coléoptères: Nosodendridae. Faune de Madagascar 76: 1-29.

76. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1991. In memoriam Dr. Sebo Endrodi. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 35: 222.

77. Endrödy-Younga, S. and Tschinkel, W. 1993. Estimation of population size and dispersal in Anomalipus mastodon Fahraeus, 1870 (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae, Platynotini). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 21-30.

78. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1991. The Southern African lucanid genus Oonotus Parry with description of a new subgenus and three new species (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 31-40.

79. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1993. Clambidae of the Ethiopian Region (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 109-138.

80. Scholtz, C. H. and Endrödy-Younga, S. 1994. Systematic position of Colophon Gray (Coleoptera, Lucanidae), based on larval characters. African Entomology 2: 13-20.

81. Penrith, M.-L. and Endrödy-Younga, S.. 1994. Revision of the subtribe Cryptochilina (Col.Tenebrionidae, Cryptochilini). Monographs of the Transvaal Museum No. 9: 1-144.

82. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1995. Description of two new species of Sphaerothorax Endrödy-Younga (Coleoptera, Clambidae) from Chile: relicts in Nothofagus forests reflecting ecological zonation in Gondwanaland. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 177-182.

83. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1995. Clambidae of Sulawesi with reference to the biogeography of the Sunda Islands (Coleoptera, Eucinetoidea). Systematic Entomology 20: 1-16.

84. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1996. Revision of the tribe Caenocrypticini (Col. Tenebrionidae, Tentyriinae). Monographs of the Transvaal Museum No. 11: 1-74.

85. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1997. Microsporidae (Coleoptera, Myxophaga), a new family for the African continent. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 309-311.

86. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1997. Active extraction of water-disolved oxygen and description of new taxa of Torridincolidae Coleoptera, Myxophaga). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 313-332.

87. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1998. The genus Clambus in Central and South America (Coleoptera: Eucinetoidea: Clambidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 373-403.

88. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1998. Acalyptomerus Crowson: the circumtropical genus of the family Clamibidae (Coleoptera: Clambidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 68: 199-203.

89. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1998. Afrobyrsax capensis spec. nov., with a tropical West African relationship (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Bolitophagini). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 421-423.

90. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1998. The American tribe Evaniosomini in southern Africa (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36: 425-426.

91. Endrödy-Younga, S. 1999. Two new Clambus species from New Zealand (Coleoptera: Eucinetoidea: Clambidae). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 26: 39-42.

92. Endrödy-Younga, S. 2000. A revision of the subtribe Gonopina (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae, Opatrinae, Platynotini). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 37:1-54.

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