Publications: Mr. Shaw Badenhorst


Badenhorst, S. 2001. ‘n Ondersoek na die oorblyfsels van die Irene-weeshuis en –skool (1902 tot 1907). South African Journal of Cultural History 15(2):41-60.


Badenhorst, S. and Plug, I. 2001. The faunal remains from Mmatshetshele, a Late Iron Age site in the Rustenburg district. South African Archaeological Bulletin 56(173-174):55-56.


Plug, I. and Badenhorst, S. 2001. The distribution of macromammals in southern Africa over the past 30 000 years as reflected in animal remains from archaeological sites. Transvaal Museum Monograph no. 12. Transvaal Museum, Pretoria.


Badenhorst, S. 2002. Rocustos and the World Summit: some thoughts. Kukummi. The Rock Art Magazine 1(1):13-14.


Badenhorst, S. and Plug, I. 2002. Animal remains from recent excavations at a Late Iron Age site, Simunye, Swaziland. Southern African Humanities 14:45-50.


Badenhorst, S., Plug, I., Pelser, A. J. and Van Vollenhoven, A. C. 2002. Faunal analysis from Steinaecker’s Horse, the northernmost British military outpost in the Kruger National Park during the South African War. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 39:57-63.


Badenhorst, S. and Salomon, A. 2002. On rock art, dinosaurs and creationism: assessing a case study. CB Powell Bible Centre. University of South Africa, Pretoria.


Plug, I. and Badenhorst, S. 2002. The dwarf cattle and unusually small sheep/goat from Muozi, Zimbabwe. In: Soper, R. Nyanga: ancient fields, settlements and agricultural history in Zimbabwe. London: British Institute in Eastern Africa Memoir 16:242-248.


Badenhorst, S. 2003. The ethnography, archaeology, rock art and history of goats (Capra hircus) in southern Africa: an overview. Anthropology Southern Africa 25(3&4):96-103.


Badenhorst, S. 2003. Notes from an interview: an innovative use of a bored stone as a sledge wheel. The Digging Stick 20(1):8.


Badenhorst, S. and Plug, I. 2003. The archaeozoology of goats, Capra hircus (Linnaeus, 1758): their size variation during the last two millennia in southern Africa (Mammallia: Artiodactyla: Caprini). Annals of the Transvaal Museum 40:91-121.