Ethno-ecology project leader (Ethno-entomology section)
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Ethno-ecology can best be described as the interaction between man and nature, particularly the traditional or cultural uses of animals and plants. Although quite a lot is known about these uses, little is known about certain other aspects such as the traditional uses of insects (Ethno-entomology).

Museums have a special role to play in preserving the traditional uses of plants and animals as an important part of our heritage. Great interest in Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) is now being shown by the Department of Arts Culture Science and Technology (DACST) and the National Research Foundation (NRF), and support for work on ethno-ecology is growing.
Ethno-ecology at the NFI:
Cultural uses of insects - Ethno-entomology
- The development of an ethnoentomology database on the internet. - Collection of additional data. We need your help.
Collaboration with other institutions. If you are interested please contact Rob Toms. We are especially interested in international sponsor collaboration and SADC collaboration.
Cultural uses of Plants - Ethno-botany
Chemical analyses of organic residues from 17th clay pipes from Stratford-upon-Avon suggest the smoking of Cannabis and other compounds. The results of these forensic studies can be assessed in the context of literary evidence, including Shakespeare's references to a "noted weed", a "journey in my head" and the "Tenth Muse", possibly relating to the use of Cannabis associated with a "source of inspiration" ("invention", in the context of creative writing). These suggestions are based in part on the forensic analyses of clay pipes from Stratford-upon-Avon, and partly on a new assessment of Sonnet 76 and other texts click
Current projects click
Mopani worm click & Other information click
Mosquitoes and Malaria click
Poster on culturally important insects. Sponsor needed.
Other posters now being developed are:
The Locust, The Termite and The Honey bee.
How you can help? If you have interesting information We need your knowledge to add to our database.
Ethnic or traditional uses of Insects and other animals.
"Boererate" - Traditional South African remedies for ailments and insect pests.
Ethno-entomology database
Links click
Acknowledgements click
NFI Team members Dr Rob Toms Ethno-ecology project leader (Ethno-entomology section)
Dr Johanny van Schalkwyk (Anthropology)
Dr Francis Thackeray (Ethno-botany)