Transvaal Museum - ECOLOGY (EIA's) 1. De Beers Premier Mine Game Park and Windybrow: Vertebrate and Invertebrate Diversity Baseline Study October 2001 November 2002. The client received a report with species lists of the birds, small mammals, snakes, lizards and other reptiles, frogs, insects, spiders and aquatic insects found at the study sites as well as a CD-ROM illustrating the most prominent or important species found on the property. For education and displays the client was supplied with an insect, spider and small mammal skins collection and guidelines for the display and storage of vertebrate and invertebrate specimens. The project was commissioned by De Beers Premier Mine, Cullinan.
2. Animal Life Vertebrate and Invertebrate Diversity Specialist Study Animal Life Study: Summer Survey (Follow-up survey) October 2001 February 2002. This project was commissioned as a specialized section of an Environmental Mining Programme Report (EMPR) executed by SRK Consulting on behalf of Anglo Platinum. The aim of the project is to provide a baseline environmental description of animal life that may occur in the study area and to determine the impacts of the proposed mining project on the animal life. The client received a report including species lists of birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals, bats, insects and spiders found at the site and the impact of the proposed project on the animal life.
3. Cicada Specialist Study Pycna sylvia Distant
November December 2001. This project was commissioned by SRK Consulting (for Anglo Platinum) and followed on from the results of the Animal Life Vertebrate and Invertebrate Diversity Specialist Study. The objective of this project was to determine the distribution, preferred vegetation and soil conditions of Pycna sylvia in the Groot and Klein Dwars River valleys. The client received a report with the description of the distribution range, preferred vegetation species and soil types, of P. sylvia in the Groot and Klein Dwars River valleys.
4. New Tiger Beetle species and Pycna sylvia Site Screening October 2002. The client requested a site screening to determine whether the new tiger beetle species and the cicada Pycna sylvia, found in the Groot Dwars River valley, occurs on the proposed project site. Ecorex co-ordinated the ecological specialist studies for Metago Environmental Consultants.
5. Monitoring of the cicada Pycna sylvia Distant October 2002 March 2003. Not much is known of South African cicadas. The objective of this project is to expand the information of Pycna sylvia (South Africas largest endemic cicada) to contribute to effective conservation and management of this species. Some of the aspects that are being investigated include the adult life-stage duration, to locate how and where eggs are laid, to photograph mating and feeding behaviour, to observe and record natural enemies feeding on Pycna sylvia and to investigate the possible association of the cicada with the hairy vitex tree, Vitex obovata subsp wilmsii. The client will receive a full report on the biological and ecological aspects investigated. The results will also be presented in a scientific paper at an entomological congress. The project is co-ordinated by SRK Consulting Engineers and Scientists on behalf of Anglo Platinum.
6. Animal Life Study: Winter Survey on Blaauwbank 168 JS (Blue Ridge West Platinum Mine) September October 2002. The client requested a basic winter survey of the small mammals (including bats), birds, reptiles, amphibians and selected insect groups on the farm Blaauwbank 168 JS near Groblersdal. The species lists provided to the client can be confirmed with voucher specimens that are kept at the Transvaal Museum. Commissioned by SRK Consulting Engineers and Scientists.
7. Checklist of Species: Tygerskloof Natural Heritage Site. October December 2002. Mondi Forests requested a definite checklist of small mammals, herpetofauna and general invertebrate species that could be found at the Mondi property, Tygerskloof Natural Heritage Site, situated near Vryheid. The species lists provided to the client can be confirmed with voucher specimens that are kept at the Transvaal Museum. The client received a report that contains all scientific species names, red data status and common names (where available) of the mammals, herpetofauna (snakes, lizards and frogs), beetles, butterflies, moths and other insects collected at Tygerskloof.
8. Checklist of Species: Sjonajona Natural Heritage Site. November 2002 January 2003. Mondi Forests requested a definite checklist of small mammals, herpetofauna and general insect species found at the Mondi property, Sjonajona, situated between Badplaas and Barberton. The checklist would facilitate biodiversity management. The client will receive a report that contains all scientific species names, red data status and common names (where available) of the mammals, herpetofauna (snakes, lizards and frogs), beetles, butterflies, moths and other insects collected at Sjonajona. The species lists provided to the client can be confirmed with voucher specimens that are kept at the Transvaal Museum.