Conference tours...
Pre and Post-conference tours to the Kruger National Park operated by Eden Routes:
"The bulk of your Safari will take place in the Limpopo Province, the northernmost province of South Africa, bordered on 3 sides by our neighbours, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mocambique. This vast province of contrasting landscapes and immense beauty will be your home for a memorable 6 day Safari, during which time we will reveal its fascinating wildlife, breathtaking scenery and warm heart. As Hornbills are your special interest, we will endeavor to locate the 6 species found in the region namely, Crowned, Grey, Red-billed, Southern Ground, Southern Yellowbilled and Trumpeter Hornbill." |
Pre and Post-conference tours to Namibia operated by Tropical Birding:

"When one mentions African safari, images of the Masai Mara, Serengeti, Amboseli, Mt Kilimanjaro and other iconoclastic parks of East Africa leap instantly to mind. Mention this to a Namibian, however, and theyll smile wryly, knowing that while tourists flock to East Africas taxi-rank parks, the continents finest and least spoilt and explored wildlife areas lie no more than a few hours drive from Windhoek. Namibia is serious Big and Hairy country, but is also one of Southern Africas most rewarding and birding-friendly countries. Namibia, the dry southwestern corner of Africa, plays host to all three of southern Africas great desert systems. The Karoo in the south, the Kalahari in the east, and the driest of the three, the Namib, sprawling along the Benguela-influenced west coast. It is thus not surprising that Namibia has, arguably, the worlds best desert birding, or certainly some of the worlds best desert birds. It is within these arid areas that almost all of the 14 near-endemics are found, including a host of Namibian escarpment specials including the truly tremendous White-tailed Shrike, Namibias terrestrial Vanga? The elusive Herero Chat, fascinating rock-loving Monteros Hornbill, melodramatic Damara Rockrunner, elegant Bare-cheeked Babbler and noisy coveys of the endemic Hartlaubs Francolin. Most escarpment specials are fairly common, and easily seen if you visit the right localities. Ironically, it is the rivers in this desert that are crucial for the other two endemics Rüppells Parrot and Violet Woodhoopoe." read more >>> or of the tour description |