Family: Capitonidae

Common name: Moustached Green-Tinkerbird

Scientific name: Pogoniulus leucomystax

Local name: -

Approximate measurements:
Mass (grams): 10
Length (cm):
Wing length (mm): 51-59
Larger sex: No difference

Distribution: Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi

Status: Locally common resident

Habitat: Dense forest in hills and mountains, wooded suburbs.

General habits: Direct bullet-like flight through the trees. Shifts frequently from site to site. May be seen in mixed-species foraging flocks. Roosts in excavated tree cavities.

Feeding habits: Forages diversely. Moves creeper-like on tree bark and foliage to glean from surface or pick fruits. Often flycatches. Food comprises fruits, Loranthaceae berries and insects.

Breeding habits: Territorial, nests strictly in pairs.
Egg laying: Spring or during rains
Nest: Cavity excavated in various trees, 3-7 m high in a dead stub of a live tree or stump. Entrance hole tiny, may be decorated with seeds.
Eggs: 2-3 white eggs
Incubation: One adult incubates and remains in the nest overnight.
Young: Nestling period 32-34 days. Both adults feed the young on regurgitated berries and insects.