Common name: Naked-faced Barbet
Scientific name: Gymnobucco calvus
Local name: -
Approximate measurements:
Mass (grams): -
Length (cm): -
Wing length (mm): 82-93
Larger sex: Alike, female possibly larger
Distribution: Sierra Leone, Guinea, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Zaire and Angola
Status: Endemic resident, locally common
Habitat: Lowland forest
General habits: Highly social, moves in groups. Nests and roots colonially. Often perches quietly.
Feeding habits: Moves in groups to fruiting trees. Very agile, clinging to branchlets to obtain fruit. Diet consists of figs and other fruit, beetles and crickets.
Breeding habits: Nests in groups of several pairs close together.
Egg laying: Reported observations vary in different areas.
Nest: Cavity excavated by pairs above 3 meters in dead tree or stub.
Eggs: 3-5
Incubation: -
Young: -