Common name: Red-and-Yellow Barbet
Scientific name: Trachyphonus erythrocephalus
Local name: -
Approximate measurements:
Mass (grams): 72
Length (cm):
Wing length (mm): 97
Larger sex: No difference
Distribution: Sudan, Ethiopia, Somalia, Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania
Status: Resident, often common
Habitat: Dry country with anthills, termite mounds and stream beds.
General habits: Occurs in pairs or groups of 3 to 10. Investigative and confiding, adapts to humans. Roosts in groups in nest holes. Picture of a Red-and-Yellow Barbet in Kenya.
Feeding habits: Forages on open ground, among bushes and under cover. Also around rural human habitation. They are omnivorous with a diet consisting of fruits, berries, locusts, beetles and other insects. Also eats vertebrates, including small birds.
Breeding habits: Nests in termite mounds or mud banks of streams. Vigorously maintains a territory.
Egg laying: December to June
Nest: Tunnel excavated by both adults and perhaps helpers in termite mounds or between 1 to 5 metres on an earthen bank. Picture of a nest site at Lake Baringo, Kenya.
Eggs: 2 - 6
Incubation: By boths parents and probably helpers
Young: Nestlings are fed mostly insects, with wings and legs removed.